Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Vote Carissa - The Mary Jane issue

Upon my first stop on the campaign trail (the cubicle right around the corner from me), the first question I was asked was if I would legalize marijuana.  This is not one of the topics I had given a whole lot of thought to as I'm not at all a regular imbiber of the plant but the answer is pretty simple.  

We have a pretty big funding deficient.  Like, huge.  HUGE.  Think of all that weed being sold every day that's not being taxed.  It's insane of us not to capitalize on that.  Regardless of the current law, marijuana is sold by the tons DAILY.  Think of all the tax revenue we are losing.  

For the arguments of how it's a drug and oh-so-scary.  Listen.  Let's adjourn for the evening and meet back here in one week.  Now, each evening until then I ask you to watch the evening news.  How many alcohol-related car accidents have were there each night?  And.... how many marijuana-related accidents?  I rest my case.  

Look to places like Amsterdam for more warm and fuzzies in your bellies.  Google Amsterdam & Cannibis.  Now go look at their crime ratings vs any major US city.  I'll let the facts speak for themselves.

Of course, there will have to be some guidelines like a blood alcohol content equivalent.  That way, when you over indulge you can be fined and not only does the government reap the taxes but we now also get to collect some fines as well to further fund the regulations of pot.  

It's my belief that the ONLY reason that marijuana is not currently legal is because the people in Washington are scared.  Scared?  What could frighten them away from such a fantastic tax potential?  Because they are weenies! They are in terror of legalizing marijuana and facing the consequences of the South American drug cartels.  By legalizing the plant here and opening it up to be farmed state-side, those drug gangs in South American will lose money.  Yawn.  That's why the President has the Secret Service.  

PS - West Virginia supposedly produces the majority of stateside grown marijuana.  Coal industry, look out!  This state could definitely stand to profit from the new industry.

So, I am definitely in favor of legalizing pot.  If it was good enough for the Injuns, it's good enough for the Americans.  Next?

Vote Carissa 2012

Okay, listen.

I could give a rat's left ear about politics.  But it's time to get the politician's out of the government and people with good common sense into the Capital.

Therefore I, Carissa, hereby declare my bid for running.  For all questions posed to me, I shall post a blog declaring my stance on the issue.

Remember... Vote Carissa!!!  And enjoy.